Christmas at Family Care 2006
This year, we took a trip to Family Care with our usual donation of toys and selection boxes. These are added to others, given by local businesses and individuals, which are then distributed to local children. Last year 2,000 of them received Christmas gifts this way.
Thankfully these footballs came deflated - Sports World Newark knocked 5% off the purchase price to help !
Selection boxes are a staple of our donation and relied on by Family Care who have to provide gifts for children of all ages.
A very rare picture of your Ed actually doing something !
The toys already at the collection point. Its hard to appreciate from this picture that this was merely a corner of bags in a veritable seas of them. As fast as they came in, charities collected them and they were replaced.
Some of our donation - make-up bags for older girls, await sorting and distribution.
Because of several break-ins, he collection point was moved to a church where the congregaton waited in the pews !