donations 2005
Tsunami Disaster
'Poetic Hours' has made its first donation of the year - £100 towards the Tsunami appeal for the victims in many countries around the Indian Ocean. Our contribution was made online via the Disaster Emergencies Committee - an umbrella organisation embracing many of the leading charities, all working together. If you want to contribute, the quickest way is online via this link.
The Big Project

We now have a picture of our second well in Nepal.Click the sign to view.
Roman Orphanage Donation
Poetic Hours has made a donation of £100 towards the costs of taking children from the orphanage on a short camping trip in July 2005. Star of Hope volunteer, Brian Sumpton has sent us his report and pictures of the trip.Click on the link below to read it.
We have made our usual donation of toys to the Family Care annual appeal for disadvantaged children. We supplied an excellent 268 selection boxes, 30 Umbro footballs, some little radios and make-up kits. All of these were bought on special offers courtesy of local retailers around Nottingham.
A box of deflated footballs awaiting processing - part of 'Poetic Hours' donation
Other donated toys and games