Poetic Hours
Autumn 2008
Peter Butler

Absent without Leave

We left the others at the station
(the 13.13, I think it was),
chose the tidal path, my love and I,
skipping and laughing past the rat-infested
island, the pub holding a wake, onwards
downstream where the barge was moored,
tall beaks directing us to a field, where
we left our names and mobiles in tall grasses,
washed footprints in an unmapped stream
which we followed as the sun went down,
vowing to return one day as different people,
bodies and souls reborn, emotions explored,

spirits enriched, futures determined, but then
the sun grew wretched, it started to rain, so
we listened, possibly our mothers calling,
it could have been the train.

     Dared call me Dreamer!

Rising at approaching dawn
(I'd verified both date and moon),
I chose to mighty Caesar warn,

Thrust boldly through the crowd at noon:
'Beware the Ides of March', I cried.
He did in front of all impugn

I was a Dreamer. So he died.
Me! Soothsayer of high repute,
My reputation so decried

Though never once held in dispute!
I hear it was a bloody sight,
So which of us was more astute?

My wife declares I'm always right.


is neither
here nor there
where time pauses
either side of you
where you make
no decisions
but wait for
the beckoning
of one who
you can

Next Door

The letterwriting lady claimed our neighbours
bowdlerised her prose, left the floorboards whispering
at night, let their scorpions cavort among her roses,
dandelions quarrel with the bindweed by the pond.

We've no complaints. The neighbours monitor
our credit ratings, kindly check our locks and loans,
handle all our khaki envelopes, the wife providing
other, intimate services at a fairly manageable fee.

Just recently the letterwriting lady writes no more,
but serenades the mushrooms she's found growing
by the neighbours' fence, seated sometimes in her
front room window, grinning at her younger self.